Father’s Day 2012

Happy Father’s Day! This weekend, the NPA celebrated Father’s Day with … fireworks, of course. As always the Kent farm was a fantastic event venue. We thank Kent and his family for inviting us to spend the weekend hanging out, eating great food, and shootin’ fireworks 🙂

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Spring Shoot 2012

This shoot, as many others have said, always feels like home. A huge THANK YOU goes out to Steve and his family for hosting this event. The new site layout is great, and it was good to see everyone again. Now, on to the festivities!

First, the daytime boards and firecrackers were very fun. I think we’re going to start giving the night show a run for its money soon 🙂

Up next, the epic tank battle! The tanks were crazy this year. I don’t think anyone was expecting the amount of complexity and variety these tanks were built with. Excellent job guys!

We can’t forget the Tower of Terror. This year, through unforseen circumstances, we were treated to two towers of terror! Yes, two 🙂 And both of them lived up to the name.

Finally we have the night show, spectacular as always. There was the traditional Saturn Missile board from Mindset, a very nice variety of 1.4G product boards, and a fun new gas mine this year 🙂

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Quincy Spring Shoot 2012

It’s been a few months since our last NPA shoot, and many of us have been fighting the itch for quite some time. Well Spring is here, and we all know what that means. It’s time to shake the dust off those torches, unpack the racks, and pull some product out of storage! This weekend was filled with two days of fireworks at Kent’s farm in Quincy, WA. We had everything from salute cannons to fountains, 1.4G consumer products, fun rockets of all kinds, and up to 8″ shells…a lot of 8″ shells.

The builder products were impressive as always, with some newbies learning valuable lessons in proper rack construction and the safety benefits of hdpe.

1.3G professional products were supplied by our good friends at Wolverine. These products never fail to impress, and we are very fortunate to have their support and friendship.

Thanks to our hosts for the food, for the hospitality, and for all of the good times you allow us to have. Last but not least, thank you to the entire club and it’s officers and board members. None of this would be possible without the support of all the club’s members, guests, and supportive friends and families.

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