New Year 2014

As 2013 comes to an end, it’s a good time to reflect on all the wonderful things the NPA has accomplished this year. Among some of the more memorable accomplishments are:

  • A new storage magazine
  • Some of the most amazing fireworks displays in the Northwest
  • An ever-growing member base of the best members we could ask for.

So goodbye 2013, you’ve been good to us. Hello 2014. And here’s a another year of pyrotechnic greatness! Happy New Year to all.

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Balloon Festival 2013

A HUGE thanks goes out to everyone who helped put on another amazing show. And what a show it was! Last but not least thanks to the land owners allowing us to use their field…it really can’t be said enough, terrific place for the shoot.

Our first-timer lead pyro did an amazing job. And everyone did such great work on this event; the end result speaks for itself. Check out the photos and video below.

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